Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Polyphasic Sleep Log: Day 12

As I reported I missed my 8am nap yesterday, but that's OK because I got over 7 hours of sleep going into that morning. I was able to take my 12pm and 4pm naps, but the afternoon nap was shortened because of time constraints.

My 9pm nap didn't work at all. I was not able to fall asleep. I laid there for 20 minutes and got up. I started getting yawny around midnight but managed to stay up until 1am for my core sleep. I've got to get back into my routine.

I tried to get a 3 hour core sleep, so I would have some time to do my taxes. My alarm went off at 4am but next thing I knew it was 5am and I was waking up with no alarm. Normally I have been waking up at 5:30 naturally, now it was 5:00. I had been trying to sleep in 1.5 hour increments because that's the typical sleep cycle. From 1am to 5am doesn't quite fit that, but the fact that I woke up on my own seems to indicate that I was between sleep cycles. It is now 6:45 and I feel alright. I was a little tired in the early morning hours, but I guess taxes are exciting enough to keep me going.

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